Monday, September 7, 2009


-Gino's dropped us off at about 1 am, just a few blocks from our hop out spot. Got to the diamond to discover that someone had made a cross that said there's no crew change there anymore.
-snooping around the yard, watching trains go by, trying to figure out if they stop anywhere around the diamond.
-One minute watching a train roll in, next hiding behind a trees in the tall grass, as there's spotlights being swept across the area we were hiding in. They stood no less then 10 feet away from us. No luck, so they drove back to their shack. Close call.
-Decide this place is heated out, and go and set up camp (when I refer to camp, I mean putting a tarp down on the ground and lying on it) under some trees, in a ditch, at the back of someones fence. Stay awake until about 5 am watching trains. All too fast to get on.
- Up at about 12 pm, to the sound of a dog barking behind us on the other side of the fence. We decide to get going, when all off a sudden two older worker men come out of a door in the fence that we didn't even know existed, and we both looked at each other and paused. "Morning, you kids hungry... for rabbits!?" Then he proceeded to dump a burlap bag full of dead bunnies onto the ground.
- Okay, Perry Sound here we come. Took a series of buses out to the hi way to be picked up from two young boys from Sudbury who also drove a nice fast truck, liked pounding house and lots of weed.

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