Thursday, February 28, 2008

cut cut chop chop

Its was that time... didnt really want to, but kinda had to.

Interesting feeling thou, i mean right after you cut it you feel like you could be in a hair commercial. Your free, you could skip and run and frolic through the fields of daises like dainty mango's. Kinda like an orgasm, non?

But after awhile the novelty wears off, and it becomes the same old same old, and sometimes you kinda wish you had not, and it almost becomes a burden (im talking about the bangs, get it?) and your just waiting for it to be like it was before, so you can just chop it all off again.

funny how our hair
applies to more then one "cut"
in our lives.


“I’ve started standing behind telephone poles again.”

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dayne!!!

All the kid wanted to do is hang out and eat pancakes, birthday cake and get drill bits. Pretty easy to please, non?

Whatever happened to blow up castles, pin the tail on the donkey, bumper cars and pinatas??? Oh wait, thats what I want, Ha!

I started this drawing for him, I thought that I could pass it off as complete, but no, its not even close... but for those of you that know Dayne, its totally him.

Happy 22nd birthday duder, i hope that I get to celebrate many more with you.


Saturday, February 23, 2008


Holy Fuckin Extreme!

Last night Dan and I went to go sing karaoke at Pang Pang with a group of his friends, and it was totally off the hook. I was never really into karaoke, but i guess its kinda a big thing (ya, i know.. were not in Japan.) A few years ago, Dayne and i went to Cory's house for new years eve, and I remember Michan stayed up alllll night singing karaoke... by herself. Don't get me wrong, i love to sing... but in the privacy of my own home. Alone. And if one day i think im good enough then maybe I'll join a band, but for now it's meant for mine and toouchie's ears only.

Seriously though, people really get off on this stuff. Why? cause its fun? ya... but some people are totally religious about it. I dont really wanna get into it cause i could probably write a novel on the subject, but all in all, I kinda got a taste last night of why people need to fill this burning desire to stand proud and belt it out.

I had a fuckin rad time, and i might even consider doing it again. Though I think next time I'll have to check out the song book more throughly cause I only found one song that I liked...

Trooper by Iron Maiden...cause thats what I am.

Friday, February 22, 2008

concrete jungle

so this is the first screen print of the year. its an varied edition of 24. the first 12 look like shit, so i reprinted my transparency's and tada!!! look at that piece of work! ha! its a 9 colour print and the registration is so fuckin perfect (well, almost) i could have even gotten a cookie for it. im pretty happy on how it turned out... i think that the pink is a lil too bright for my liking, but it will do. the print it self is how i feel about the city. really pretty patterns and things to look at, but its really just crumbling down, oozing pile of filth. the telephone poles are a standard in my work... (thou none of you would know that cause you've never seen anything else iv done... when i have some time I'll put more work up.) basically, it represents my past...

wait a sec

i don't have to tell you all this! maybe i want too.. or maybe ill just do it in bits and pieces...

i like it. don't really say that about much of my work, thou they say your your own worst critic. if you wanna buy one im going to be selling them at worlds... if you haven't registered yet, do it now.


cause daniella said so.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

im here!!!

so i deleted my fotolog cause like i said before, i wasn't using it for its intended purpose anymore. and thats fine...

i never really understood what a blog was...though i didnt even know what the internet had to offer until 2 years ago. so i jumped on the wagon and im bloggin on! ha!

no, no, no, im using it as a self promotion tool cause the website that i had before with all my art work on it sucked...

i just wanna be able to put my shit up, and if you like it ,GREAT... if not, thats wasn't meant for you anyway.

i think that this " blog" will be complied mostly of things that i do, things that i did, things that i want, and things that i see, or more appropriately... things that i get distracted by... which we all know, are shiny.

so heres a toast to shiny things....